Create, connect and own your community social graph in web3
Atem Network is building a user-owned web3 community social platform, we aim to allow everyone to create, connect and own their community social graph with NFTs. The community social graph is a graph that represents social relations within a community, it can also be referred to as "the global mapping of everybody in their communities and how they're related". We believe every person's identity is actually the aggregation of their roles in different communities,by optimizing today's way people engage with NFT, NFT has huge potential to become the on-chain credential for every user. We believe web3 is a community-based world, and a fundamental factor of decentralized identity for every user will be the aggregation of their roles in every community. Under the context of web3, we are trying to build a user-owned web3 community social platform, where users can connect with their decentralized communities to chat and trade with their web3 friends.
Our short-term goal is to build a user-owned web3 community social platform where users can connect and govern their tokenized communities while chatting and trading with their web3 friends. Our long-term mission is to build community social graph based on NFTs, unlock decentralized identity, and become the go-to one stop solution for the social infrastructure of web3.
What is Web3?
Web3 is the decentralized web where blockchain technology is the foundation protocol where users are in control of their data and identity. It is also known as the "aligned web". Web3 will support p2p communications and transactions that will eliminate the need of a centralized web2 major search engine or social media to transact or communicate. Cryptocurrencies, NFTs and other digital assets are some examples of blockchain p2p transactions.
What is a Web3 social network?
A social network where the users are in control of their own data and identity instead of the other way around which is what we currently have available to us. Right now major social networks are centralized and control users’ data. A web3 social network is a disruption to the current status quo of social networking as we know it, bringing the power back to the user and letting the user own and dictate what will be stored online. Atem is one of the first Web3 social networks making it a pioneer in the crypto space.
What is Atem?
Atem Network is building a user-owned web3 community social platform, we aim to allow everyone to create, connect and own their community social graph with NFTs. The following is a summary of Atem's main functions:
The following is a summary of Atem's main functions:
Tokens/NFT Group space: Group spaces are formed automatically and decentralized without owners based on mutual tokens or NFTs that are owned by individuals
Chat and Social Trades: Bridge social networking with crypto trading seamlessly on a “one stop shop” platform. -
User-owned community: All spaces and channels are under DAO governance.
Social Identity NFT: By allowing users to claim NFT based on their proof of social networks, we believe a stong on-chain credential can be built. - Data security: Decentralized data storage, complete anonymity with secured end-to-end encryption.
Token and NFT Transfers - P2P (One Way)
Social Trades - (Two Way)
Contract Integrated Messaging - C2C NFT Bid
On-chain data Integration: NFT Price Listing, On-chain activity of group members and etc.
User-Owned Web3 community - DAO Governance
Social Trades
Right now there is a social trade dilemma. With many people chatting to each other about potentially buying, selling or trading NFTs as well as cryptocurrencies, people still then have to log on to a website or an exchange to execute their trade. We believe web3 will let trades become so native that every scenario can easily interact with public chains and complete transactions. Atem will solve this by introducing social trading. On Atem’s platform, users will be able to chat about a cryptocurrency or an NFT and be able to execute a trade there and then. This can be performed because all data is on-chain and able to be accessed via Web3 APIs and through end-to-end encryption.
On Atem, users can not only chat with each other like in traditional chatrooms, but send tokens and NFTs as well. Atem’s one-stop solution allows users to trade tokens and NFTs seamlessly in one place without the need to leave the chat room and log onto another exchange platform to perform the transaction. Trade prices are offered by a tier-1 swap on each chain. All transactions are done through APIs and are executed by smart contracts, offering a smooth user experience.
User-owned Group Spaces
In Atem, group spaces are formed based on mutual tokens or NFTs that are owned by individuals. Social networking and crypto trading are combined seamlessly on Atem's platform. All spaces and channels will be under DAO governance, which means users co-decide rules of the communities.
Data is stored in a decentralized way with end-to-end encryption, which guarantees complete anonymity, thus users are in control of their data, identity and governance. Atem will connect to user's wallets through ETH EVM at first, with other chain adaptions coming afterwards. Atem will also sort users into these group spaces automatically by recognising who owns what particular crypto assets and then sorting them into the relevant and same groups. The group space will be completely user-owned, and any users in the group space they are entitled to enter can feel free to create their own channels, these channels will be available to users through searching or by individual user invitations.
Compared with web2 communities, where "owners create, members join", we believe a web3 community shall be "user-owned, people contribute together". Users should be attracted by the same virtue based on on-chain data, and everyone can contribute to the community to get rewards and govern the community based on their ownership. The community will be under DAO governance, and we have designed four key characters for every tokenized community, including "head, moderator, contributors and members". Head is elected by the community and have limited terms, moderators will be assigned by head to execute daily operation, contributors will be awarded by the communities to encourage those who contribute to the communities. All special roles (head, moderator, contributor) will be rewarded with according NFTs to record a member's identity in the community, and the community identity can't be erased and can be easily applied to other community tools due to the essence of the NFT. In this way, every community can unlock the full potential of web3 identities by carrying their roles with them. This incentivises users to contribute to the community and join the governance. Users will also be able to vote for and co-decide what they would like to happen within the group space such as the background of the group space or whether or not people can join the group if they do not own the group’s crypto asset.
For every community, we will make the privilege system web3 native with the help of open networks. Only holders can join exclusive channels and speak up in the community, which in turn helps seed out scammers or people trying to manipulate the market. Non-holders will have room to join the space but with relatively limited privilege.
User's of each Token/ NFT will be able to access custom made EMOJIs designed for the specific crypto asset the user owns. These EMOJIs will first be designed by the Atem team but will later on be able to be designed by the users. Lastly, it will be open source for all Dapps. The contents will be stored in ARWeave.
Atem will also provide users with a chat-box, thus giving users the opportunity to negotiate and talk to potential sellers and buyers of NFTs which is currently unavailable in the current market. Users will be able to talk to buyers and sellers of NFTs and negotiate offers and counter offers. Users can also talk about any other topic, including crypto related news and much more. The chat-box is end-to-end encrypted and messages will be openly accessible in cloud storage.
Social Identity NFT
Social identity NFT is a structure to allow people own their credentials under approval by trusted organizations or a group of people with NFTs, rather than simply mint or buy on secondary market. We believe a user's decentralized identity will be the aggregation of their on-chain credentials in different communities, to build a trusted identity for every address, social identity NFT will be a fundamental factor. Think about important social identity in web2, such as college degree, job proof, social class and etc. Strong credentials are usually approved by trusted organizations or a group of people.
In Atem, we allow users to claim their community identity based on the role they are playing in different communities, this role is approved by the majority in the communities or key person in the community. We believe such NFTs approved by social connections will be a fundamental factor to build on-chain credentials. All special roles (head, moderator, contributor) will be rewarded with according NFTs to record a member's identity in the community, and the community identity can't be erased and can be easily applied to other community tools due to the essence of the NFT. In this way, every address can unlock the full potential of web3 community identities by carrying their roles with them. This incentivises users to contribute to the community and join the governance. Users will also be able to vote for and co-decide what they would like to happen within the group space such as the background of the group space or whether or not people can join the group if they do not own the group’s crypto asset. In the future, we will explore more use cases of social identity NFTs, including certificate launched by organizations, exclusive clubs and etc.
User portrait layer based on on-chain data
We are also actively exploring the potential of on-chain data's use cases by painting a user portrait layer for every address. Based on on-chain data, we will paint a user portrait layer by labelling every address based upon their previous behavior and applying an algorithm to categorize the addresses. The output will be the portrait for every address and the connection index among addresses.
The first utility of the user portrait layer will be the recommendation in our chat-box. We believe that the user portrait layer can go far beyond what we currently have available to us. When compared with Web2, data is stored in different apps and every time a new app is launched, it has to attract users and gain data starting from zero. We believe all data on web3 will be public, and therefore, a unified user portrait layer will be essential to all Dapp developers and users can also benefit from this layer by getting incentives offered by Dapp developers, including specific airdrops etc.
Multichain development
We believe with the increase in adoption of crypto to major sectors, user experience will be prioritized and the future of web3 will eliminate the boundary among chains. Our features are designed to adopt multichain development from the first day. We will offer multichain trading features so that users can easily transfer their assets on different chains.
Multichain trading & messaging: We will offer multichain trading features so that users can easily transfer their assets from different chains, and be able to complete multichain messaging to other identities on different chains.
Multichain and multi-address virtual identity: We plan to integrate users' multichain and multi-address virtual identities with the help of our web3 social products. We believe that in the future, users will have multi-addresses on different chains. We will build multichain and multiaddress virtual identities, and social scenarios will be the best place to integrate users' identities.
Atem's NFT Listing:
The first 5000 users of Atem will receive one free Limited Edition NFT. This free NFT will serve as the user's Atemverse passport while they navigate the app. Different passports will have different designs. Each user will be divided into 9 distinct planets within the Atemverse which will be differentiated by colour. Each NFT will be free to mint excluding gas fees. The first 5000 users will have access to future whitelists, token and other rewards and you will be able to say you were one of the first handful of users who got to explore Atem when the userbase grows. There is also an element of exclusivity in owning one of Atem's NFTs and being the first to use and test out the platform.
A User's Experience with Atem:
Scenario A
User A launches the Atem app and connects to their wallet. Because User A owns some Ethereum and a BAYC NFT in their wallet, they will automatically be sorted into the Ethereum and BAYC group spaces respectively. User A wants to sell his BAYC NFT and enters into a negotiation with a prospective buyer. User A is able to demand a certain price while counter-offering any low offers. The more the user engages in the group and through private chats, the more information will be added to their social graph.
Scenario B
User A and User B get into a discussion about different cryptocurrencies and now User A wants to buy more ETH following the conversation. By using the in-chat exchange tool User A can buy ETH directly in the chat itself and doesn't have to leave Atem to go onto a different platform to purchase ETH.

Technical aspect:
1. Authentication and Authorization:
Atem connects to the user's wallet to use the address. This is a unique identifier key for users without knowing or storing any other information of users. There is no need for users to register. By that means, all users are anonymous and we protect the privacy of every single user. As for the server side, Atem project is running fully on state-of-art cloud services, which provides a high scalable as well as a strong secure environment.
2. Data Management:
There are three types of data flows in Atem, and none of them will be stored permanently.
User Data: Atem requires no user info except the address from wallet, which is the only identifier of one user, no additional user info will be collected and stored in Atem.
Token/NFT Data: all tokens and NFT info are gathered from the public chain like ETH, which is open to everyone. Atem follows the data principle of web3, that is maximizing the usages of public chain data while protecting the user privacy data.
Message Data: Atem will apply two stages of message data management: Short-term: encrypted messages in binary stored in state-of-art cloud storage, all messages are strongly encrypted. Only the people belonging to the same group space and channel can have the right to decrypt the message, even the members of Atem project can not view the message.
Long-term: encrypted messages in public/private chain will have completely decentralized storage and be encrypted for private protection. Eventually, a message will be a data asset belonging to the user, who owns the message and has the right to choose to release or revoke their message.
3. DAO Mechanism:
Atem opens up full management to the community. The Atem project team's goal is: supporting the Atem community. Group space is the basic management unit block that can be managed by users.
First stage - Users join the group space:
Users with the same NFT token will be allocated to the same group.
The user has the right to create chatting channels owned by them . As the owner, users retain the right to invite/remove other users, and other users can also search for specific channels and choose to join.
Second stage - Users own the group space:
Users in the same group space have the full right to manage it.
Users can govern the community and select special roles for the community under DAO governance. Users can also manage the DAO treasury, privilege system and more.
4. Security/Encryption Guarantee:
Atem guarantees p2p encryption for every single chatting channel . We use RSA 2048 algorithms to encrypt the message and Diffie-Hellman Group and Key Exchange with SHA-1 algorithms to do the key exchange, the same way as telegram which provides strong security and message protection for users.
5. Wallet Integration:
First stage: Users log in through MetaMask.
Second stage: Atem provides wallet management tools that allows users to login in with other wallets like Coinbase or Ledger. Atem will not store any info except the wallet address info. No additional user info will be collected and stored by Atem.
6. Chat Box:
You can directly send messages to an address or group member or NFT holder that you would like to talk to. No one except the members of the same group can see and view the message information and all messages will be encrypted, even the members of Atem can not view it.
7. Social Trades:
We aim to satisfy all trading needs in a social scenario. All trades will be on-chain from address to address. For tag trades and price checking, we will attach existing smart contracts API including UniSwap etc; for NFT bid and NFT listing, we will develop our own smart contracts. Our trading smart contracts are based on the Wyvern Protocol which is robust and third-party audited. Before the first NFT listing offer of a user, we register a proxy smart contract for the specific user to ensure security. The user can approve the proxy contract to transfer a specific NFT, or they can also set approvals for a whole collection of NFTs to save gas fees, then the user can sign an order to confirm the listing of his/her NFT.
In consideration of efficiency and cost, the orders will be restored on our server and be kept off-chain until the transaction happens. Therefore, there will not be any gas fee unless the transaction succeeds or the order is canceled. To ensure our transparency, the order information would be open for check through APIs.
Atem Roadmap
2022 Q1
Launch Web app
Users 5000+
Passport NFT 5,000
2022 Q2
Mobile Developments
Group Spaces 3000+
Users 20,000+
MAU 10,000
2022 Q3
Group Space 10,000+
Multichain development
Communities based on tokens
Users 100,000
MAU 50,000
Monthly Volume $1M+
2022 Q4
Build on-chain social graph
Explore virtual identity(Trust of virtual identity,Tokenize virtual identity.)