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Utilizing Atem protocol, we build a web3 review sharing platform, where creators can create and share their reviews on web3.

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Atem Review

Web3 Native content

All notes created on AtemReview are stored decentralized on ARWeave+IPFS. We allow creators to post their reviews via pictures and medium-length word.

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Atem Review

Social Incentives

Creators can create content on AtemReview, and earn rewards by getting engagement from communities.

Atem Review

Web3 Identity Verification

With on chain data verification, we can identify the identity of review creators and identify their identities( holder, ex-holder, non-holder, trader etc.) and categorize the review correspondingly.

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Atem Review

Content NFTs

By creating content NFTs and allowing users to collect, creators can build connections with users directly on web3.

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